
Project Assessment

A key aspect to managing a closure project is to gain a strategic and objective perspective. There are often complex issues; technical, operational, regulatory, stakeholder and interaction with national and international standards and commitments.

Observations from the perspective of a broad base of experience with multi discipline study management, stakeholder affairs management and operational roles can provide some objective comment on strengths, weaknesses, risks gaps and opportunities.

Peer Review

A Peer Review is a literature and experience-based review of the documentation and, in a more comprehensive review, site observations and meetings, to distil issues.

Technical, operational, stakeholder, organisational, policy, procedural, planning, construction, contracting, data analysis, consulting.

A peer review assesses all these areas and focuses in on those that may involve significant risk. A brief, targeted report is provided on key issues/risks and opportunities and a listing of other risks, observations and opportunities to create value, save costs or improve deliverables be they planning or implementation

Closure Planning

Conceptual, Operational and Detailed Mine Closure Plans can be prepared or updated. Approximately forty have been prepared by Trajectory and supporting studies initiated, scoped, managed or reviewed in a range of mineral sectors including gold, nickel, diamonds, rare earths, tungsten, manganese, natural gas, iron ore, manganese, mineral sands and coal.

Geochemistry Review and PAF Management Planning

Trajectory has led and collaborated in a number of detailed geochemistry review processes for mines needing to recalibrate and re-focus geochemistry study approaches and management practices.

Authorship, peer review or revision of PAF/AMD Management Plans have been prepared for more than dozen sites including gold, diamonds, iron ore, rare earths, and Manganese in six countries and four states in Australia.

Landform Design

Individual landform designs have been prepared by the Principal over the last thirty years. Landform designs establish assumptions and incorporate or develop input data.

Outputs include justified specifications for batter height, angle, surface cover, batter/berm cross section with specification of water control mechanism on berms and top surfaces.

Armouring specifications where required and preferential topsoil deployment plans depending on growth media inventory and where multiple topsoil types exist and might be deployed to best effect.

Stakeholders and Community

Trajectory has led or collaborated extensive stakeholder and community projects to deliver:

  • Social Baseline Studies

  • Social Impact Assessments

  • Community Development Projects

  • Transition to Closure Plans

  • Final land use Plans

  • Social Closure/Sustainability Projects

Delivering in this area requires relationship and trust building with the mines stakeholders. Trajectory’s deliverables align with the ICMM tool kit, and the Inter-Governmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development.

Closure Cost Estimating

Closure estimates have been prepared for many sites including sites in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, New Zealand and Australia.

This has included Gold, Copper, Iron Ore and Nickel Projects. Trajectory now only provides review and support services for Closure Cost Estimates.

Pit Lake Model Management

Trajectory does not develop Pit Lake models internally,  however we can suggest good quality providers, oversee scope development, model method and ensure model inputs and outputs are clear, simple easily interrogated by the Client Probabilistic model interrogation will provide the Client with the capacity to understand which model outputs are sensitive to which inputs.

Models are frequently insensitive to some inputs but highly impacted by others. It is these latter where investments are best made in knowledge acquisition to improve model confidence. Model development can be staged.