Benchmarking Reviews

Many jurisdictions require benchmarking to occur to satisfy stakeholders that closure techniques and the science with supports them has been adopted elsewhere has been successful in realising the outcomes which are being proposed in a Closure Plan or other supporting documentation.

Trajectory, in addition to the sites where direct service provision had occurred has supported or led benchmarking visits to dozens of sites in Australia and several in North America. Additionally research can be conducted to support proposals or identify instances where more validation is required. Trajectory has developed novel approaches with few precedents. This needs to occur to advance and improve practices. However it is entirely appropriate for stakeholders to expect, when precedents are limited, a higher degree of technical assurance via other means. And this needs to be acknowledges in scopes.

As in so many circumstances this is a good example where regulators, and if necessary other stakeholders should be directly in a meeting context and explain what’s proposed, listen to feedback and concerns and discuss what level of assurance the Key Stakeholders would believe to be reasonable to assent to a novel approach.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

Scope and Proposal Review


Pit Lake Models