Peer Review

This is another phase of Project Assessment. It is detailed where it needs to be detailed and high level when that’s all that’s required. A Peer Review is an experienced based review of the documentation and, in a more comprehensive review, site observations and meetings, to distil issues. Technical, operational, stakeholder, organisational, policy, procedural, planning, construction, contracting, data analysis, consulting.

A peer review makes an assessment of all these areas and focuses in on those that may involve significant risk. In the systematic process of Issue Identification – Risk Assessment – Mitigation Assessment – Gap Analysis – Development of fit for purpose mitigations (Be they Landform Designs, PAF Management Plans or Stakeholder Engagement Plans) the Peer Review identifies and catalogues the majority of substantive issues and discusses risk potential and the adequacy of existing mitigations. This is not a formal risk assessment which is a different deliverable.

This process captures issues with risk potential across project aspects and discusses potential negative consequences and the adequacy of mitigations. And identifies opportunities, sometimes very substantial, opportunities which may involve cost saving, advantages of internal participative planning or opportunities to realise enhance outcomes with stakeholders.

A brief, targeted report is provided on key issues/risks and opportunities and a listing of other risks, observations and opportunities to create value, save costs or improve deliverables be they planning or implementation. These reviews are intensive with a turnaround in a few weeks, or a month depending on the complexity of the site and if a site visit is undertaken.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

Project Assessment


Closure Planning