Project Assessment

A key aspect to managing a closure project is to gain a strategic and objective perspective. This is often difficult when a site’s professionals have been very close to the project, it’s been inherited by management or a new owner or there are complex issues; technical, operational, regulatory, stakeholder and the interaction with international commitments. Often someone with no prior involvement, ‘ownership’ of approaches or ideas, no commercial interests and with broad experience with stakeholder affairs management, operational roles, and study management across disciplines can provide some objective observations and comment on strengths, weaknesses and gaps. And importantly unidentified opportunities. Often, at a very high level, this service can be provided at very little cost. Trajectory’s approach is to provide a small service, as such an assessment or any small aspect of a project. The Client then ascertain if Trajectory can add value to their project and if our approaches align.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

Peer Review