Post Closure Land Use

Trajectory has led or participated in processes which have been focus of extensive stakeholder engagement to determine realistic and desirable post closure land uses which are cognizant of stakeholder expectations, water systems considerations and revegetation design and species weighting and importantly, land capability. Land capability may include residual impacts from mines which are locally irremediable and land use restrictions must be negotiated and applied. Where the engagement with stakeholders has been unsatisfactory for a number of reasons and companies commence processes too rectify this, Trajectory has extensive experience of this process and can support the Client. Trajectory accepts that initially often justifiably, a navigation process of initial stakeholder interactions is required where stakeholder sentiment is negative and even hostile. Trajectory only works in such situation where there are demonstrable processes developed to assure stakeholders a positive and Good Faith process will ensure in future.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

Landform Design


Closure Cost Estimating